Let's work together to achieve your goals.

Kortney Murray is a remarkable CEO and Founder of Coastal Kapital, an asset-based lender for business financing. She has a history of entrepreneurship, starting from heavy equipment sales to owning a clothing store, giving her diverse insights into business ownership and management. Kortney's unwavering determination in a male-dominated industry has made her one of the most connected female business leaders, breaking barriers and inspiring others. Her mission is to create successful business partnerships, address entrepreneurial challenges, and navigate the complexities of business financing, making her a true trailblazer and advocate for business owners.

  • A motto I live by is be a Beautiful Rhino, meaning have thick skin, don't move backwards, and hold your head high.

    Kortney Murray

  • Everyone wants assets, but assets can be lost. If you want to build wealth, if you want to guarantee your wealth, if you want to ensure that what you you build will never be taken from you, you must become an asset.

    Danelle Delgado

  • Think about it: our name, track record of success, reputation, and list of accomplishments is the strongest and most long-lasting currency you can have anywhere in the world.

    Rhonda Swan

  • The most powerful way to pursue the journey of self-discovery is in the company of others who can hold you as you grow and evolve into your next chapter.

    Diana Wentworth & Michale Gabriel

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